TrueChain (TRUE) Weekly Report -October 26–November 1


Weekly Update:

-Modify the light node validation logic of the txRoot of the transaction

-Optimized the efficiency of trading and block propagation at adjacent nodes

-Fixed an abnormal upload result for some files on the upside chain

-The optimization of the consensus mechanism and the discussion of programs with international experts

-TrueChain director and South Korea’s two major newspapers and media to conduct in-depth cooperation talks

-TrueChain Wallet’s underlying architecture upgrade will better meet the Defi DApp app experience

Truescan browser optimization upgrade completes, supporting all eco-projects (TERC20 version) token list display, address query, contract query, etc

TrueChain (TRUE) is the world’s first public chain to achieve a fPoW + DPoS hybrid consensus, providing a high-performance and high-security public chain infrastructure for decentralized applications and asset circulation. Founded in October 2017, it was strategically invested by well-known capital angels in many industries such as ZB Group. So far, it has been reported by CCTV as an excellent public chain infrastructure case five times. Partners include the world’s top 500 Microsoft China and Amazon. Currency institutions such as Paxos and MakerDAO. On March 30, 2019, the main net was launched. TRUE has logged in more than 20 globally-known platforms including OKEx, Binance Dex, ZB, Bithumb, HitBTC, and BW.

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Abhilash Atmaram

Community Manager | Growth Hacker | Customer Success Manager